Tuesday, February 7, 2012

{Day 1} of 31 Day Organize Challenge

Well. Day 1 was more like Day 1 & 2 but I think I've got the top of my pantry finished. I pulled everything out and went through it all to throw away/give away stuff I don't want or need anymore which now has my kitchen looking like a small hurricane blew through.

I'm short so I wanted to keep my plates and bowls and stuff where I could reach them easily. So I loaded up one of my lazy susan's I got for the wedding (seen here) with my Fiesta plates, bowls & salad plates. On a separate tiered lazy susan, I put two cereal bowls on the top tier, 2 cups and 2 saucers on the bottom tier, all from my Fiesta ware.

Then on the next shelf I constructed 2 drawers from Bed Bath & Beyond (click here to see them). These were very easy to put together and since I used both on one shelf, I'm glad I got more than I registered for. I put my pyrex & 9x13 baking dishes inside the drawers. On top went my Fiesta ware 9x13 baker & 9x9 baker.

On the top & highest shelf is another drawer from BB&B that has my corning ware round baking dishes & some of my smaller mixing bowls. I think this will annoy me though because I use my mixing bowls very frequently. There just wasn't room to put them anywhere else.

So here's what it looks like:

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