Thursday, February 7, 2008

5 weeks down...

Almost at the end of my 5th week of student teaching... halfway! YAY! I'm at Shaw High school, English 2 & 3. I have mostly sophomores and juniors... a few seniors too. It's been great so far! I'm really enjoying it but I miss my kids at Veritas so much. Hank has offered me a job teaching next fall so that's where I'll wind up, which I'm also excited about.

Couple of educational updates:

Last day of Student Teaching: April 25th

Graduation: May 10th (HALEFREAKINGLULIAH!)

I'm going to finish with my masters degree in May and I'm so freaking excited I can't wait. It's been a long 4 years since I graduated from the "loveliest village on the plains"... oh how I miss Auburn. CSU has been an experience and I'm grateful for the opportunity. Future plans include: taking a year off from school to get acclimated to teaching full time, then, in the Fall of 2009 hopefully applying and being accepted into a Masters of English program where I can finish in 2 years, completeing my MA program, and the moving into either my specialist or an advanced degree in Education Administration. Funny thing about those plans, they always seem to get changed. I've found recently that I have an interest in the administration side of education and I can't wait to pursue that at another university. We'll see where it all takes me.

Things have really begun to pick up and take off for me lately and I'm so excited about the changes. I know that God has been with me these past few months and I know that He is guiding my life to the way that He has planned.

see you later.
