Saturday, August 27, 2005

Home, Home, Home at Last

So I'm home... thank God. The past three days have been... interesting doesn't quite cut it. Sunday thru Tuesday were spent in Las Vegas. No I didn't win any money. Yes I lost. Quite a bit. Tuesday Margaret and I began our cross-country road trip. Sorry to report that we didn't have any moonings or elk sightings, as we didn't drive through Dallas again. But let me tell you... I-40... SO boring after the 10th state. Tuesday was spent driving through Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, where we stopped in Tucumari. Wednesday was New Mexico (the last 10 miles), Texas, Oklahoma (incidently going through Carrie Underwood's hometown :), Arkansas, Tennesse and Mississippi. Finally, Thursday was the last leg of our trip, only having to go through Mississippi and Alabama until finally reaching home. It was a 32 hour trip. 12 1/2 hours the first two days, 5 1/2 the last day. I highly recommend it to all my enemies.

Stole this from Bradley's page...

10 years ago: Aug 1995 - I was starting 8th grade
5 years ago: Aug 2000 - Moving into my dorm room and starting college
1 year ago: Aug 2004 - Starting my last year of college
Last week: checking out of HR at the Grand Canyon, finishing up packing and work
Yesterday: driving. lots of driving.
Today: sleeping, taking my car to be serviced, going to campus, getting class books, meeting wiht professors
Tomorrow: unpacking
5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Dixie Chicks, Reba McIntire, Guns n Roses, Metallica, Rascall Flatts
5 things I would do with $100,000,000: buy a boat, hire a captain, go to Ireland, pay my credit cards, put in bank (how boring)
5 locations I’d like to run away to: Ireland, Athens (Greece), Rome, Venice, Scotland
5 bad habits I have: over-analyze, am overly competitive (at times), little confidence, shy
5 things I like doing: sports (playing, watching, tailgating), reading, movies, playin with the dog, anything with friends
5 things I would never wear: white pants. they would make my rear end look huger.

There were more of those but I got bored. Later.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What Happens in August in the Grand Canyon?

Well first of all it's the beginning of something the locals call Monsoon Season. Which is, pretty much self-explanatory. We all know what a monsoon is right? Well that happens EVERY DAY here in the great Grand Canyon State. It pours. Including your basic standard lightening, great big thunder claps, heat lightening, and rain. Lots and lots of rain. Which of course, brings the tourists that have come to be so near and dear to my heart (ha, yeah right!) scurrying inside like little the rabbits that dart across my porch. Not really buying anything, just milling around, taking up space and time. Screwing up the neatly folded t-shirts, picking up merchandise and then breaking it, and spilling desert tea all over the floor.

Secondly, during the month of August, all foreigners come to the States. Italians, Brits, French, Germans and the Japanese. No offense to the Asians, but in my limited three-month experience, they have no concept of waiting their turn, being polite... instead they shove their way through the meandering line of impatient vacationers, slapping the dozen postcards on the counter and looking at me like I'm supposed to wait on them next and ignore everyone else in line, who are just as impatient, but at least have the common decency to wait until it's their turn to yell at me and bestow upon me rude stares.

They're on vacation I want to tell them -- have a little patience. It's not like you have anywhere to go. That's the whole point of a vacation. Take a cue from the Grand Canyon.

Geez. The good news is that only two more days of work left at the Trading Post, then I have to go check out in HR, Saturday pack my car and Sunday I'm headed to Vegas to meet Marge and then we're driving back home to the sweet state of Alabama.