Monday, July 25, 2005

26 days and counting..

Yup, 26 days. After working two eleven-hour shifts this week, and cleaning until my sinuses protested, I'm grateful for my two days off tomorrow and tuesday. I'm so sleepy I can barely think....

Today was Sunday and since Emmy is at home in Pennsylvania, I had to hold services on my own. Talk about freaked out. Four people showed up... students who had just finished participating in a Catholic ministry *thing* for a whole year. Anyway, so I was definintly freaked out. Totally didn't expect to have ANYONE show up for service.

I can't really function anymore... the 11-hour shift has taken its toll so I'll catch ya'll on the flip side.

Monday, July 4, 2005

Sweet Home Alabama

Thank God for the South. Trees and green grass and people who are polite. Humidity and heat and swimming pools and fireworks for cryin' out loud!

So I'm home for the 4th of July for a few days. I'm telling you, I think I shed some tears when I saw those big, beautiful, green trees from the airplane. Arizona's trees are bushes. I'm not even kidding. Mom and Blake picked me up at Groome about 2:00 today and my little sister -- yeah, not so little anymore. I think she grew a freakin foot in the two months I've been gone! What's up with that? And my brothers too!! They had a balloon and some flowers and a cake -- real cake!! -- for me when I got home -- isn't that sweet??!!

I got to see Hunter, my puppy, who closely resembles Chewbaca and desperately needs a bath! It's the 4th of July and in the Grand Canyon they don't even do fireworks --- something about the fire danger?! :) What danger, its not like they're in the middle of a desert or anything! I don't know why people come to the canyon for the 4th. There is no parade, no fireworks celebration, no red, white or blue memorbilia... no confetti or snazzy cakes to celebrate our nation's Independence -- so go home, where there is all of that stuff!

I'll be at home for 4 days and I think that they'll have to hog-tie me to get me back on that airplane. Having said that, I've been up since 2:30 Cali time and I think I'm going to go take a nap. :)