Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Nashville Star & Cowboy Troy

Okay so I was sittin on my couch last night, tryin to find out about hiking/camping equipment (if you got any suggestions, let me know), when Nashville Star came on. Now I've already had my fill of singing shows tonight (American Idol was on earlier) so I thought, well maybe I'll watch it too, since it's the finale and everything. Performing tonight is Big & Rich and Cowboy Troy... I'm not a big fan of Big & Rich -- they don't really classify as "country" to me. I like their "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" song and "Holy Water"... but as I was sitting here, I noticed something strange that was coming out of Cowboy Troy's mouth. Rap.

Cowboy Troy was rapping country music. I have nothing against rap... been known to listen to it once in awhile... but how on earth did rap music worm its way into country?

Anyways, I was glad to see Erika Jo win the competition, although I haven't been following it religiously, either one of the final two would have been fine with me. There's just something about a guy who says that he sticks out like a "turd in a punch bowl."

I just bought a pair of hiking boots! rocks!

My last day of work: 3 days
Days until I pack up and move across the country: 19

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

NFL Draft, Co-ed softball

I got into a fight with some guy online tonight, arguing the two QB's for Auburn (Jason Campbell) and UGA (David Greene). He, a staunch UGA fan (poor kid, raised completely wrong), tried to inform me that he was suprised that Campbell went before Greene in the NFL draft. Me, defending my QB and team, disagreed with him, of course. Some people will never learn. I can handle a Bama fan, but those Georgia fans are just rude.

I had a softball game tonight.... 2nd one of the week (it's only Monday). Sunday night I was supposed to have an Intramural game in Auburn, but the other team didn't even bother showing up. Tonight's game was fun -- until we were up by 5 and ended up losing 31 to 17. Tonight was better than last week -- 2 for 3, 1 double, 1 single, 2 run scored and 1 RBI... 1 (throwing) error and 3 put outs.... so that makes me happy. My 3rd game of the week is tomorrow night, in Auburn. Second round of playoffs. Hopefully I'll play well tomorrow night too.

That's all from this corner of Alabama.... G'night folks!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Countdown to the Grand Canyon

So the countdown has begun for my last week at work (4 days) and the number of days (21) until I pack up my things and head out west to the Grand Canyon until August 21. Margaret, Wendy and I are headed out after Auburn's 2:00 graduation services. We'll stop in Shreveport, Lousiana the first night, then head to Amarillo, Texas and then to our final destination, Flagstaff, Arizona, where I'll drop them at the Flagstaff airport for their 10am flight to Phoenix and I'll continue the rest of the way to the Grand Canyon. It's about a 27 hour drive. So that should be fun.

I'll be living with a girl named Emilie, who's a seminary student, in an apartment on the South Rim of the canyon -- at Desert View. I'm really excited about the whole thing. I don't know anybody out there, and I'll be like 1500 miles away from my family but it should be good for me. Being a part of the ministry service out there is a little bit daunting, but I know it's something that I'm supposed to do. I can't wait to be a part of it. I'm going to Mike's wedding in June and then my family is supposed to come out in July... and Robert in August. And then I leave on the 21st. I can't wait!