Monday, November 14, 2005

All I have to say...


31 to 30.

War. Damn. Eagle.

Oh and Happy Birthday to Bradley (one day early). Way to be that much closer to 30. :) Love you.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

What is Auburn Football -- written by a OKLAHOMA STUDENT

Okay guys, so there I was, just browsing around on the Facebook when I came upon this guy's profile thing that I had met years ago and a St. Patrick's Luau. On his wall was a message, posted by this student from Oklahoma. It's the following....
"What is Auburn Football?
It is the 1/2 national championship in 113 years of playing football
It is sharing a mascot with numerous junior high and pee-wee football teams
It is the smile on Ben Leard's face after throwing an interception that lost the 1998 Virginia game
It is the feeling of anticipation during the walk down Wire Road from your trailer to "The Jungle"
It is having a cute little nickname like "The Jungle" for Jordan-Hare
It is putting up a banner for losing the tie-breaker for the Western Division title
It is throwing a parade for finishing second Again, it is throwing a parade for finishing second
It is and always will be about "Keep it down home, cuz"
It is about having a cute slogan like "AttitUde" or "AUdacity" in order to fire up your fans
It is the hope that one day; Auburn will win a national title without sharing it or being on probation.
It is knowing that if the Tigers finish second, it will be OK because they will throw a parade anyway
It is living up to every stereotype about Auburn by letting the players ride on hay bails during that "victory" parade
It is accepting the National Title from the only person who will give it to Auburn, a 16 year old kid with an AOL account
It is Terry Bowden
It is Eric Ramsey
It is having a head coach who used to cook catfish for a living
It is Napoleon Syndrome
It is Little Brother Syndrome
It is the Red Headed Step Child Syndrome
It is believing 2 Heisman Trophies = 2 National Championships
It is knowing that only one other school in the NCAA has been put on probation more times
It is using Toilet Paper to celebrate a victory and wondering why the world treats Auburn like No. 2
It is canceling the Florida State game a month before the season
It is calling the 1989 Alabama game "The Mountain Top," instead of using that title for a championship game
It is yelling "Punt Bama, Punt" 30 years after that chant outlived its cleverness
It is having a runningback who couldn't pass a third grade English test
It is constantly correcting people that Auburn is in Alabama, not Georgia
It is drawing national attention as a barn burns down next to the stadium during the LSU game It is having a bovine research center less than a mile away from the football stadium
It is the look on Terry Bowden's face as he's about to pass out at the Flora-Bama
It is the plane ride to Louisville
It is having the same amount of SEC championships as Georgia Tech, who left the SEC 40 years ago
It is knowing that you'll never have the prestige and tradition that BAMA has
It is 1/2 National Championship to BAMA's 12 National Championships
It is 6 SEC Championships to BAMA's 21
It is having the sixth best winning percentage in the SEC
It is "Wrong Way Bo"
It is Pat Dye going for the Tie instead of the win in the Sugar Bowl
It is the probations
It is the trailers
It is the cows.....

Let me tell you what I think about all of that. First of all, I would expect it from a Bama fan, as the in-state rivalry is pretty heated around this time of the year. It would be funny if it came from a Bama fan. Secondly, most of it's true... we do have a bovine research facility a mile down the road from our football stadium, we were on probation, there are a great many trailers and cows and yes, we've had our fair share of mistakes and screwups in the past. But let me point out, if we didn't have the cows, or the bovine research facility or the vet school... if we didn't have all of those things which make our university academically great then Mr. Oklahoma doesn't have food and he sure can't take his injured horse to our large animal facility. Those same cows and hicks that are so eloquently put down in the above diatribe are the very ones who feed his scrawny body and take care of his animals. What I take offense to is the fact that this was published by AN OKLAHOMA STUDENT. The same Oklahoma who lost the National Championship in the first quarter... the same OK who shouldn't have even been ALLOWED on the same PLAYING field as USC... The same Oklahoma who has an entire facebook group named after them "How do you spell CHOKE --OK!!".

At least our mascot isn't a Fighting Illini (sp?) or a Horned Toad. I mean damn, at least we've got something more respectable than a Sooner for Crissake. Isn't a Sooner a boat? No wait, that's a SCHOONER. My bad. I can't imagine how I made that mistake. At least we belong to a conference that's worth a damn. The SEC... I don't care if we do have the same about of SEC Championships as Georgia Tech. I'd rather be in the same league running with Georgia Tech and Florida State and Miami than Oklahoma. And my running back may not could have passed a 3rd grade reading test -- but I bet you about 20 bucks he's making more than I do. At least we have a sense of family and respect for each other. We may not like it when Bama or Tennessee or UGA wins, but at least it makes the SEC look good.

I love my university... my college.. my friends, my faculty, my staff. I love my traditions, my athletes, my colors, my mascot and my fight song. You can't change my mind. I was an Auburn fan during the Dye years... the Bowden years... the inbetween years.. the AUttidude, AUesome, AUdacity and Tubberville... and I'll continue to be an Auburn fan. I don't care if we don't win a game for the next twenty years. It goes much deeper than winning and losing. I'll be an Auburn fan til I die. And I'll be dealing with idiotic, insipid retards like the one who made the misfortune of posting the above vomit just like I have all of my life. With a laugh, a smile and the quiet innerworkings of a woman scorned. Don't mess with my team. Don't make statements you can't back and (and losing the Nat'l Championship by a score of so much to not even close isn't backing up your statements) don't tell me that my school is little more than a cow college. I'll agree with you -- and then take away the benefits that my university brings to this region and this country.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

A light-sided post...

A light-sided post... hint.. you're supposed to fill it out about me!

Your Basics:
Hair (color and style):

1. Where would we go on dates?
2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists?
3. Do you drink/smoke??
4. Do you like the beach?
5. If so...would you go with me late at night?
6. Do you like movies?
7. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night?
8. If you were to take me out to a movie would we watch the movie?
9. If not what would we be doing?
10. Do you play an instrument?
11. If so...what?
12. Would you call me right after we saw eachother to make sure i made it home alright?
13. How would you rate your hugs from 1-10?
14. Favorite body part on a girl/guy?
15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself?
16. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, player, slut)?
17. Would you give me kisses just because?

What Would You do if...
I cried:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I got dumped:
I pissed you off:

What Do You Think Of My...
Choice of music:

Would You...
Be my friend:
Tell me the truth no matter what:
Buy me a birthday gift:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Go out at 4am to get me chocolate:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Keep in touch:
Make me a snack:
Try and solve my problems:
Love me:
Makeout with me:
Hold me in times of need:
Ditch me:
Use me:
ask me out:
Date me:

thank you!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Responding to the Experiment

Katie and I were talking about my post about the Experiement into the Minds of Men. It started me thinking again. I was suprised to find that the only comment I've gotten so far was some random person sending me to a freakin dating website. Isn't that just so ironic?

I think, partly, that she's right. Inherently, guy's are terrified that they'll find someone equal or better (and by better I mean more intelligent) than they are. Someone who they'll be able to carry on a conversation with and such. I actually talked to Margaret about it before I wrote the blog. I asked her if she had ever dropped her IQ level to get a guy. She just looked at me and said "yeah, I have". I can understand it because I've seen the guys she's dated. And the truly sad thing is that I've done it myself, without even realizing it. In some way I've dropped my IQ level to be more appealing to a certain guy -- by acting a different way, talking a different way, watching my language (big words and such). I did it this weekend.

Guys don't want women to be smarter than they are. That much I understand. It's threatening to them. They've been taught all of their lives, not only by their parents or society in general, but by women like us... by us... by women who are not as intelligent. Think about it. The Female Gender has put ourselves in this position. But at the same time, because of the women's rights movement, if we act too intelligent... too much like a man... too much not like suzie homemaker... then we're feminazis! There's no middle ground! So what's a girl like us to do? Wait until that day when the man of our fantasy dreams will wake up and smell the proverbial coffee?

Even if they are all for women's rights, a guy is not going to have the brass balls to stand up for those rights when he's surrounded by a bunch of other guys. Call it peer pressure, or just a general lack of ballsiness, whatever. But that's the truth. Guys are going to be guys. They will talk about gettin some, the hooters at hooters, girls in short skirts and tight barely-holding-them-in-shirts.. etc. etc. What straight guy in his right mind is going to say "hey, you know, intelligent women are hot."

I am smart. I'm intelligent -- I have a college degree and I'm working on my 2nd. I use words that are not preceded by shit, or m-f, or g-d. That fact alone scares any single guy within range. It's like I have a radar beeping on my head "INTELLIGENT FEMALE ALERT, INTELLIGENT FEMALE ALERT! DON"T COME WITHIN 100 FEET!!! STAY BACK" It's ridiculous.

There's a stigma that comes attatched to all women. Because we have boobs there's no way that we could possibly do anything better than men -- fish, hunt, cook, clean, speak, write whatever. Or not even better -- there's no way that we could be even in COMPARISON to a man. I was two weeks ago that we were solid at the positions of 3rd and SS (his position) and that I was "capable". What the hell does that mean? Capable. I may not be the best 2nd baseman in the league, but at least I make a freakin attempt at catching the ball. I don't just watch it sail over my head and go "oops". Because I am a girl I'm only "capable". But the guys... no they're just freakin perfect at 3rd and short stop.

Excuse me while I go de-girlify myself. I'll just go rip out my uterus while I'm at it.

Redneck Yacht Club

Margaret, Jeremiah, Troy, Stoney, Biscuit and me went fishin' this weekend in Orange Beach, Alabama out of Zeke's Marina on the Misty (captained by Sandy Smith). The weather was good, nobody got sick (Yay! Compared to the last time that Margaret and I went fishin the summer that she lived in Orange Beach and there were 14-foot seas. Everyone told us not to go, don't get on the boat -- did we listen? of course not..), and we had a good fishin' day. Margaret's 6.5 lb trigger fish took the biggest fish of the Misty and is in 2nd place in the October Fishing Rodeo, which bumped mine down to 4th at 4.25 lbs, but that's all good because we managed to bring in more fish than the boys did anyway. It was the first time that I had seen the damage done from Hurricane Ivan two seasons ago; my uncles condo and where the Island Princess condo used to be. We also got to see the Miss Celeste -- God what a boat. My dream boat -- I could live, happily, on that boat.

Things I learned: It's strange to be the only Auburn fan in a crowd of Roll Tide folks (it's like someone put a target on my back and said FAIR GAME), Troy cannot hula-hoop, those dang trigger fish pull down, instead of running out, I can sleep on a boat... both on the couch where even I have to curl up and on the bunk beds, I need to talk more, the Smith family is freakin' CRAZY, it gets really cold out on the ocean at 6am, I can touch squid and not be squeamish (ew), Marge and Jeremiah are really cute together (well I already knew that)...

Italian quote of the day: Alcune cose sono allineare se credete in loro oppure no. - città degli angeli (Some things are true whether you believe in them or not - city of angels)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

An Experiment into the Mind of Men

Not really. But I've become highly disturbed at the fact that an experiment that a young Auburn woman completed last weekend. Results showed that when lowering her IQ when talking to college-aged men, the response to her was higher than when she was her usual intelligent self.

She began her project on a Friday night in September, after having been stood up by yet another guy. Her girl friends did her hair and makeup and for clothing, she wore a tight, spaghetti strapped tank top, blue jeans and stiletto heals.

As they arrived at a local bar in Auburn, this young woman began the next phase of her experiment. She dropped the southern drawl that is common to Southern women and adopted a more "valley-girl-esque" speech pattern, so dead on that it was slightly disturbing.

She was drawn into conversation by guys who were discussing bands and music. This particular Auburn woman is a big fan of Metallica, Tool and bands such as these. So when the guys began to talk about Tool, she adopted her "valley-girl-esque" speech and asked who Tool was and then, further said, "ohmigod, how can you listen to that? it's so hard." She deliberately dropped her vocabulary level to where she didn't use bigger words and asked what the words meant when the guys used them, biting her tongue when said guy would explain the meaning of the word incorrectly!

The end result is terrifying. Whereas a normal night consisted of no guy getting her phone number, this particular night three different guys asked for her phone number.

I find it frightening that it appears that I'll have to drop my own IQ level to obtain a guy's interest.

I find it frightening that guys are drawn in by that lower intelligence level.

I find it disturbing that it appears that in order to attract a guy I have to act stupid.

Well, I'm sorry. I can't ignore the fact that I'm athletic, that I know about baseball and football and basketball, that I understand the intricacies of the game and how many points a touchdown is. I can't ignore the fact that my vocabulary level is higher than most, that I am not in a sorority, that I like to ride 4-wheelers and wear camo and listen to rock music, along with the country. I can't ignore that I get along better with guys than I do with other girls, that all my life I've been "one of the guys" and that I don't dress provocative or talk sexy or any of that.

And you know what? I won't. That's who I am, and if a guy is intimidated or scared then he's not worth my time. If a guy were really interested in me, then wouldn't it be logical to assume that he would do anything to get me? We've heard all along about the concept -- fear of rejection -- well I think that's bull. If a guy doesn't have the guts to ask me out because he's afraid of being rejected then why would I want to go out with him in the first place??

Nobody said that there would be this many frogs involved...

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Home, Home, Home at Last

So I'm home... thank God. The past three days have been... interesting doesn't quite cut it. Sunday thru Tuesday were spent in Las Vegas. No I didn't win any money. Yes I lost. Quite a bit. Tuesday Margaret and I began our cross-country road trip. Sorry to report that we didn't have any moonings or elk sightings, as we didn't drive through Dallas again. But let me tell you... I-40... SO boring after the 10th state. Tuesday was spent driving through Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico, where we stopped in Tucumari. Wednesday was New Mexico (the last 10 miles), Texas, Oklahoma (incidently going through Carrie Underwood's hometown :), Arkansas, Tennesse and Mississippi. Finally, Thursday was the last leg of our trip, only having to go through Mississippi and Alabama until finally reaching home. It was a 32 hour trip. 12 1/2 hours the first two days, 5 1/2 the last day. I highly recommend it to all my enemies.

Stole this from Bradley's page...

10 years ago: Aug 1995 - I was starting 8th grade
5 years ago: Aug 2000 - Moving into my dorm room and starting college
1 year ago: Aug 2004 - Starting my last year of college
Last week: checking out of HR at the Grand Canyon, finishing up packing and work
Yesterday: driving. lots of driving.
Today: sleeping, taking my car to be serviced, going to campus, getting class books, meeting wiht professors
Tomorrow: unpacking
5 bands/singers that I know the lyrics of MOST of their songs: Dixie Chicks, Reba McIntire, Guns n Roses, Metallica, Rascall Flatts
5 things I would do with $100,000,000: buy a boat, hire a captain, go to Ireland, pay my credit cards, put in bank (how boring)
5 locations I’d like to run away to: Ireland, Athens (Greece), Rome, Venice, Scotland
5 bad habits I have: over-analyze, am overly competitive (at times), little confidence, shy
5 things I like doing: sports (playing, watching, tailgating), reading, movies, playin with the dog, anything with friends
5 things I would never wear: white pants. they would make my rear end look huger.

There were more of those but I got bored. Later.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What Happens in August in the Grand Canyon?

Well first of all it's the beginning of something the locals call Monsoon Season. Which is, pretty much self-explanatory. We all know what a monsoon is right? Well that happens EVERY DAY here in the great Grand Canyon State. It pours. Including your basic standard lightening, great big thunder claps, heat lightening, and rain. Lots and lots of rain. Which of course, brings the tourists that have come to be so near and dear to my heart (ha, yeah right!) scurrying inside like little the rabbits that dart across my porch. Not really buying anything, just milling around, taking up space and time. Screwing up the neatly folded t-shirts, picking up merchandise and then breaking it, and spilling desert tea all over the floor.

Secondly, during the month of August, all foreigners come to the States. Italians, Brits, French, Germans and the Japanese. No offense to the Asians, but in my limited three-month experience, they have no concept of waiting their turn, being polite... instead they shove their way through the meandering line of impatient vacationers, slapping the dozen postcards on the counter and looking at me like I'm supposed to wait on them next and ignore everyone else in line, who are just as impatient, but at least have the common decency to wait until it's their turn to yell at me and bestow upon me rude stares.

They're on vacation I want to tell them -- have a little patience. It's not like you have anywhere to go. That's the whole point of a vacation. Take a cue from the Grand Canyon.

Geez. The good news is that only two more days of work left at the Trading Post, then I have to go check out in HR, Saturday pack my car and Sunday I'm headed to Vegas to meet Marge and then we're driving back home to the sweet state of Alabama.

Monday, July 25, 2005

26 days and counting..

Yup, 26 days. After working two eleven-hour shifts this week, and cleaning until my sinuses protested, I'm grateful for my two days off tomorrow and tuesday. I'm so sleepy I can barely think....

Today was Sunday and since Emmy is at home in Pennsylvania, I had to hold services on my own. Talk about freaked out. Four people showed up... students who had just finished participating in a Catholic ministry *thing* for a whole year. Anyway, so I was definintly freaked out. Totally didn't expect to have ANYONE show up for service.

I can't really function anymore... the 11-hour shift has taken its toll so I'll catch ya'll on the flip side.

Monday, July 4, 2005

Sweet Home Alabama

Thank God for the South. Trees and green grass and people who are polite. Humidity and heat and swimming pools and fireworks for cryin' out loud!

So I'm home for the 4th of July for a few days. I'm telling you, I think I shed some tears when I saw those big, beautiful, green trees from the airplane. Arizona's trees are bushes. I'm not even kidding. Mom and Blake picked me up at Groome about 2:00 today and my little sister -- yeah, not so little anymore. I think she grew a freakin foot in the two months I've been gone! What's up with that? And my brothers too!! They had a balloon and some flowers and a cake -- real cake!! -- for me when I got home -- isn't that sweet??!!

I got to see Hunter, my puppy, who closely resembles Chewbaca and desperately needs a bath! It's the 4th of July and in the Grand Canyon they don't even do fireworks --- something about the fire danger?! :) What danger, its not like they're in the middle of a desert or anything! I don't know why people come to the canyon for the 4th. There is no parade, no fireworks celebration, no red, white or blue memorbilia... no confetti or snazzy cakes to celebrate our nation's Independence -- so go home, where there is all of that stuff!

I'll be at home for 4 days and I think that they'll have to hog-tie me to get me back on that airplane. Having said that, I've been up since 2:30 Cali time and I think I'm going to go take a nap. :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Pickin' Wildflowers...

Tonight me and Emmy are in Phoenix. We arrived yesterday about 10:30 or so, after leaving work at the canyon. We checked into our hotel and immediately booted up the computers to access the world wide web. :) We decided that neither of us could spend any long amount of time in the sticks. We miss civilization entirely too much. So we arrived and began checking our email. I had 12 new messages. :)

This morning, after sleeping late, off we went to the Fiesta Mall, where I window-shopped. We came back to the hotel and went swimming! Ahh... water! The temperature topped out at 110 today in Phoenix. Emmy added a new Nextel phone to her collection.

After swimming, and watching some TV (who knew that fuel prices had risen so much?), we got dressed and left for the Grapevine, a karaoke bar/restaurant. YAY! Emmy sang about a half dozen songs, including "Crazy" (Patsy Cline), "Pour Me" (Trick Pony), and "You Light Up My Life" (LeAnn Rhimes). Together we sang "Mama He's Crazy" (The Judds), "Sin Wagon" (Dixie Chicks), "Does He Love You" (Reba McIntire & Linda Davis) and "Somedays You Gotta Dance" (Dixie Chicks). I sang "You Were Mine" (Dixie Chicks) all by myself. I think everyone was impressed with how we sang... and everyone in there was so good.

We just got back to the hotel room and tomorrow we're going to the Arizona State University library, then up to Sedona and finally back to the canyon.

I get to go home though... over the 4th and I'm so excited. I get to go home for about 4 days and I absolutely cannot wait. Emmy's birthday is the 25th of July and then after that Robert is coming out to visit. And then it's home for good. :)

Goodnight all -- condolences to Bradley, who lost a member of his family today. Love you Bradley!

Friday, June 24, 2005

Excuse me, can I use this Canadian coin here?

Did I bebop into Canada and not know it? A customer today tried to pay with a Canadian coin. When I told her that we couldn't take it, she looked at me, in all seriousness and said "oh, that won't work here?" Umm.. No! Did you cross the country border and not realize it? And no, for your information, what you're looking at over there, across the wide hole IS NOT CANADA! And, just for the record, "Alabama is where I'm from, NOT my last name". All questions I've gotten in the past two days at work.

Mike's wedding was this past weekend. I actually missed the humidity. Seriously. I walked out of the airport in New Orleans and literally felt my skin begin to stick and knew, knew I was back in the South. Ah, how I've missed it. :)

The wedding, by the way, was beautiful, of course. I didn't expect anything less. I actually danced! Can you believe it? Mike almost made me cry when I said bye to him and he told me that it meant the world to him that I was there. When I think about him, I'm grateful that I spent that time at Pi Kapp and it makes the guys who are jerks there worth it.

G'nite everyone. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Phoenix, Arizona... NOT Phenix City!!

Emilie's uncle died, so we headed down to Phoenix after work this afternoon so she can catch a flight out to Iowa at 6am in the morning. We're in the hotel room now, after driving most of the afternoon. We stopped in Sedona, for dinner, right before the storm hit. I've got to go back. It's only about an 1 1/2 - 2 hr. drive from the Grand Canyon and it was just beautiful. Made me glad that I have my camera. Of course I didn't take any pictures, cause I was driving. But I still had it.

It's a nice little day-trip. Would be cool to come back. At least I can say that I ventured past Flagstaff, Arizona into the middle of the state. Like I said, we're holed up in the hotel room right now cause 3am comes REALLY early!!!

Work's been good -- been workin alot of shifts lately. Payin my dues so that they'll let me off for Mike's wedding, which they did. Except I've got to switch shifts with someone so I can catch my flight out at 11am on Friday morning. It was the only flight that I could get. Mike's wedding is a saturday wedding Mass -- I've never been to a Catholic Mass before, much less a wedding mass... and then on Sunday Emilie and I have our ACMNP retreat to Lake Powell in Utah.

Anyway, nothing very exciting to report here. Headed back up to the Grand Canyon tomorrow morning, so I can get back for work at 12pm. I'm going to be so dead on my feet tomorrow.... :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

At the library

I've moved internet locations -- this time to the library in the Grand Canyon. Work has begun -- worked MTW 7:30 (a.m.) to 4pm, RF, 12:00 to 8:30. ACMNP's services begin on Saturday... mine and Emilie's rim services are 7:15pm on Saturday and some random time Sunday morning. Emilie, by the way, is my roommate, who arrived today from Pennsylvania.

The American Idol finale is tonight -- Go Bo and Carrie!!! Seriously, either one of them would be great. I'd buy both of their CD's and before everyone starts groaning -- just stop. They're awesome... got my boy from Alabama (Bo) and my country girl (Carrie). :) I'm going to beg the guy at the Holiday Inn Express (where I watched last night's show) again to see if he'll let me watch it in the lobby again.

I don't really have much else to say -- except that I'm tired, mostly because I had to be at work this morning at 7:30 and I was on my feet for 8 hours. Tomorrow I get to sleep in because I don't have to work until 12pm. YAY!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I stumbled upon an Internet cafe in Tusceon (sp?)... I've been holed up in a hotel room since Sunday night and tonight, Pastor Ed and his wife, Karen, have been kind enough to offer me their spare bedroom in the park. No more lonely hotel room for me. Tomorrow's orientation starts at 8am (yech!) and then hopefully I'll be headed back up to Desert View with my groceries and get set up. Maybe my furniture will have arrived. One can only hope.

I was able to catch last night's American Idol. Too bad I can't see the results show tonight (always my LEAST favorite night)... I'm going to call Mom in about 20 minutes and see how it went. I only have this computer for like 15 minutes so this is going to be the shortest update on record.

Am getting a new PO Box so if you have the old address, it still works, but I'll be in touch about my own personal one. Have a great week everyone!

Monday, May 16, 2005

Where's the furniture?

Well we made it. Obviously, since Margaret and Wendy are already back in Columbus. I dropped them off at the airport this morning and continued the 1 1/2 hour trip to the Grand Canyon, where I proceeded to be stuck in human resources for like 3 hours, one while they were at lunch and two filling out paper work, being tested for drugs and alchohol, and then finally making my way the rest of the 45 minutes to Desert View, my "home" for the next 90 days. I'm ashamed to admit that my first thought about the canyon was that it was a giant hole. :) I'm sure it was the stress of the day and the anticipation that had me thinking that... I finally made it to the watchtower and located my manager (Russ) and the assistant manager (Nancy) who gave me my key to my apartment and off I went.

They're brand new, one bedroom, full living/kitchen/dining area, one full bath, and laundry room... but minus some very important things... like FURNITURE!!! Russ assures me that it will be delivered soon. Until then, my "bed" is a mattress on the floor -- I can be Cinderella. Except there's no Prince Charming coming to rescue me... for another 90 days at least. :) So I'm back in Flagstaff, at least for the night. Went to Target earlier for cleaning essentials, and came back to the Residence Inn where we stayed last night.

I technically don't start work until after I've taken a "cash handling" class... and that doesn't happen until Friday. General orientation is 8am on Thursday AND we get paid for it! I never got paid orientation when I worked for Bowden... hmm... I guess that's cause I've been working there since I could answer the phone "good morning, Bowden Realty".

And, by the way, Arizona (or is it just the Grand Canyon/Flagstaff?) doesn't participate in Daylight savings time... so it's like 3 hours behind everyone else here. And my body was soooo protesting at 6pm tonight when it's like 9 Columbus time and I had gotten up at 5:45 because, by the way, it's broad daylight at 5:30 a.m. what's up with that???

Don't know when I'll get to update again -- hopefully soon. Probably not.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Amarillo... by morning

We made it to Amarillo... thank God. It only took 8 1/2 hours. After yesterday's driving adventure (Shreveport, LA), today was not any more fun. Marge drove this morning, until we got out of Dallas and we stopped and ate at Raymond's BBQ. If ever in Decatur, Texas... beware... Raymond's looks like it's merely the last place on earth before Amarillo, but trust me. You absolutely don't want to eat there. I was missin some Mike & Ed's BBQ somethin fierce.

The drive through Dallas was fun... until the two random guys from Conneticuit flicked us off as they flew around us. After catching up, Marge threw up her hands as if to say "why did you flick us off" and zoomed around them. Well, then the guy in the passenger seat mooned us. It was a big hairy butt too -- so Wendy made a sign that said "Shave Your Crack!" and the response was "Want 2 Help". We just figured that they were Yanks and didn't know how to flirt with Alabamian hot girls. So, yeah. Then we got lost in Dallas. And ended up at the toll booth at DFW (Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport). U-turn. Stop, ask for directions. Get back on highway... end up at Raymond's BBQ... a hole in the wall dump that should have stayed in the wall.

Texas, by the way, is the flattest, greenest, most non-changing place I've ever driven through. We experienced much of the North-Northwest part of it this afternoon, and while, I have to say, seeing oil rigs for the first time (except for in The Rookie) was slightly more exciting than the cows... they got old after the 500th one. So did the Medicine Mounds, the flat roads, and the Texas Troopers (or are they called Rangers?) that liked to hang out on the small-town roads in between Dallas and Amarillo.

Amarillo, in case you were wondering, is not exactly as glamourous as George Strait proclaims it to be. It's much more like a hole. Everyone who we've seen has asked us why we are hear, accusingly... as if to say why would you spend time in this dump. The only shining light in this entire city was dinner. I'm not a big hamburger fan... my dad makes pretty good ones, but those are homemade. Anyway, this place, called Blue Sky Texas, had phenomenal hamburgers.

Anyway, so we're off tomorrow to Flagstaff, Arizona, driving through New Mexico to get there. Hopefully we'll make it in time for Marge and Wendy to actually see the Grand Canyon. Maybe tomorrow I'll get to update again.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Kenny & Renee???

Okay okay okay... Kenny Chesney and Renee Zellweger? Where did THAT come from? I haven't moved to BFE yet boys and girls -- were they even dating? How did I miss that one?!

On the other hand, after a conversation (that lasted 5 hours) Saturday night, Sean informed me that I had "fallen from favor" by not having seen the Lord of the Rings movies. We won't even mention what he said when I told him that the reason I hadn't seen the movies (just the 2nd and 3rd one) was because I had never read the books. So, after that marathon conversation, Brooke went out and bought the Fellowship of the Ring. I must say that I find it educationally rephrenensible that for someone who has supposedly been educated in english studies, read probably thousands of books, and has an english degree from Auburn University, that she never has read JRR Tolkien. Yes I realize that I'm talking in 3rd person.

I've read from the most obscure of writers to the most obvoious... including William Trevor, Willa Cather, Seamus Heaney, Basho, Niall Williams, Yeats, Kafka, Harper Lee, Thoreau, Emerson... I could, theoretically, go on forever. Four years of high school required reading, five years of english studies in American Romanticism, British Literature, Irish literature, the Fireside poets, Walden... all add up to the fact that as much as I've read -- as many books as I've been required to read in my 9 years of high school, undergraduate and graduate education, that I've never been asked to read JRR Tolkien. I probably never would have considered reading Tolkien had it not been for the expression on Sean's face when he spoke of his work -- Tolkien's and his own. I figured... if this man's books made Sean that excited -- well, I had to see what all the fuss was about. Not because they adapted three full length feature films from the three volumes. I haven't even gotten into the actual book yet -- merely on the foreword -- and already I'm enthralled with the novel and with what lies before me.

Current countdown: 2 days until I leave

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Stupid me, stupid lard, stupid people

So Thursday last I go bebopping up into the gym at school, about 4pm to do my Thursday legs workout. I go over to just one of the torture machines, and begin to take the 100 lb weight plates off so I can put my measly 45's on. I go to roll the plate out of the doorway and get *almost* there when BAM! the stupid thing FALLS ON MY FOOT! My big toe is now purple. It was green. So this mornng, when I go to put my tennis shoes on, I almost fall over from the contact of shoe hitting big toe bone. It's a good thing that I'm going see Dr. Jacobson at the Hughston tomorrow. Stupid me.

Then, again Thursday, after I dropped the weight, I had to drive to Auburn for my softball games. I'm in the parking lot when Brock gets there and tells me that Kent, our "coach" (and I use that term loosely), has pulled the "team" (again used loosely) out of the league for the season. FOR THE SEASON!!! What kind of coach gets tired of losing and decides to quit?!!

To add insult to injury.... last night my other softball team played (this one is the Columbus team with Bo, Noah and Wes)... well, as usual, we didn't have enough girls. Something about finals and some other crap. For me, I was there with a busted toe, a final on Thursday, and I'm moving across the country in a week and a half. It was an hour out of my day that I committed to. So there we were, our last two girls in the parking lot, and the fat lard of a "coach" on the other team said that we had to forfeit. Dude. It's not like we've actually won a game or anything. Your chances of winning increase by the thousands when you play us. Not two minutes after the head umpire declares a forfeit, our girls come running. The funny (well, funny as in stick a knife in your gut) thing about all of that is that we beat 'em in runs. The fat lard -- well lets just say that his fat head was the target for several throws by a few of our outfielders (well only one really), the pitcher, and if I had ever gotten the chance to throw a double play ball... mine too. Stupid lard.

I used to be obsessed with The Facebook. I know... the first step is admitting when you have a problem. I've gotten over mine. But these girls & guys whose pictures are of them and their boyfriend/girlfriend... ugh, it makes me want to puke. Geez, do they think that EVERYONE wants to see their cutesy little outfit with their boyfriend's arms wrapped snuggly around them? Like I need to be reminded that I'm alone. Gee thanks. If they've got a picture of them and their significant other... surely there's one of just them alone. Like Leslie -- her and her boyfriend Nick were at a wedding like two weekends ago. Both of their facebook pictures are just them... ONE PERSON. I'm sure that there's pictures of the two of them together and you don't see Leslie putting her's and Nick's picture on her facebook profile do you now? No, I didn't think so.

I have to be off -- shower, then have to go down to the office, then to class... my last one -- YAY!!

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Leaving Alabama

Days of work left: ZERO!!
Days left until I drive 27 hours to live for 3 months: 16!!!!!

So it's really happening... it's like a surreal universe. I've never lived more than 30 miles away from Phenix City, Alabama and in 16 days I'll pack my suitcase(s) and trunk into my Envoy and head across the states of Alabama, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. For a small town girl in East Alabama it's slightly overwhelming. But God it's about time that I did something with my life besides sitting here on my duff every night.... My time at Auburn was wonderful -- I loved most every minute... but Auburn's still 30 miles from my hometown, making it easy to go home. Now, from May 16 - August 21 I'll be 1500 miles away... not exactly a hop, skip and a jump away. I'll be "on my own" for the first time in my life. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

At least I'll be back in August.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Nashville Star & Cowboy Troy

Okay so I was sittin on my couch last night, tryin to find out about hiking/camping equipment (if you got any suggestions, let me know), when Nashville Star came on. Now I've already had my fill of singing shows tonight (American Idol was on earlier) so I thought, well maybe I'll watch it too, since it's the finale and everything. Performing tonight is Big & Rich and Cowboy Troy... I'm not a big fan of Big & Rich -- they don't really classify as "country" to me. I like their "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" song and "Holy Water"... but as I was sitting here, I noticed something strange that was coming out of Cowboy Troy's mouth. Rap.

Cowboy Troy was rapping country music. I have nothing against rap... been known to listen to it once in awhile... but how on earth did rap music worm its way into country?

Anyways, I was glad to see Erika Jo win the competition, although I haven't been following it religiously, either one of the final two would have been fine with me. There's just something about a guy who says that he sticks out like a "turd in a punch bowl."

I just bought a pair of hiking boots! rocks!

My last day of work: 3 days
Days until I pack up and move across the country: 19

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

NFL Draft, Co-ed softball

I got into a fight with some guy online tonight, arguing the two QB's for Auburn (Jason Campbell) and UGA (David Greene). He, a staunch UGA fan (poor kid, raised completely wrong), tried to inform me that he was suprised that Campbell went before Greene in the NFL draft. Me, defending my QB and team, disagreed with him, of course. Some people will never learn. I can handle a Bama fan, but those Georgia fans are just rude.

I had a softball game tonight.... 2nd one of the week (it's only Monday). Sunday night I was supposed to have an Intramural game in Auburn, but the other team didn't even bother showing up. Tonight's game was fun -- until we were up by 5 and ended up losing 31 to 17. Tonight was better than last week -- 2 for 3, 1 double, 1 single, 2 run scored and 1 RBI... 1 (throwing) error and 3 put outs.... so that makes me happy. My 3rd game of the week is tomorrow night, in Auburn. Second round of playoffs. Hopefully I'll play well tomorrow night too.

That's all from this corner of Alabama.... G'night folks!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Countdown to the Grand Canyon

So the countdown has begun for my last week at work (4 days) and the number of days (21) until I pack up my things and head out west to the Grand Canyon until August 21. Margaret, Wendy and I are headed out after Auburn's 2:00 graduation services. We'll stop in Shreveport, Lousiana the first night, then head to Amarillo, Texas and then to our final destination, Flagstaff, Arizona, where I'll drop them at the Flagstaff airport for their 10am flight to Phoenix and I'll continue the rest of the way to the Grand Canyon. It's about a 27 hour drive. So that should be fun.

I'll be living with a girl named Emilie, who's a seminary student, in an apartment on the South Rim of the canyon -- at Desert View. I'm really excited about the whole thing. I don't know anybody out there, and I'll be like 1500 miles away from my family but it should be good for me. Being a part of the ministry service out there is a little bit daunting, but I know it's something that I'm supposed to do. I can't wait to be a part of it. I'm going to Mike's wedding in June and then my family is supposed to come out in July... and Robert in August. And then I leave on the 21st. I can't wait!