Friday, April 29, 2011

I spent some time looking at my old journal entries from the past year last night & this past week. Its terribly ironic that a year ago today I was telling my students at Veritas that I wouldn't be coming back to teach them. And with my decision that was made yesterday; its just so cool how God's timing is. Its been a very interesting year, a learning year. I know that God has His hand on Trinity ~ and that He is going to continue to bless this school and its students. Based on what I saw this morning with the students praying with and for each other, He is already moving in a mighty way. I know that He is going to increase our territory because we have been faithful to His will. I know that He will bless me because I have been faithful to His will for my life, even if it costs me. I know that I made the right decision, because I have God's ultimate peace, and I also know that He will continue to take care of me because I am His child.

This week meant a lot of reflection for me, a lot of prayer and thinking. I had a decision to make, and honestly, I was torn, but after a lot of prayer, a lot of seeking counsel, I made my choice & I have peace about it. I think its interesting that... nevermind.

Monday, April 25, 2011

When you arrive at a fork in the road, what do you do?

Trust simply in God - listening, desperately for His call?

Or, continue down the road you think is the right one, the best one. What do you do with the fork?

Do you take the "road less traveled" - the harder journey, or is it easy street?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Robert Frost ~ The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

I think about this poem a lot, especially when I am reflecting upon my life and the choices that I have made. I wonder what it would have been like - how different I would be. My dad says that my brother and I have a different drum beat that we walk to... that when the road is easy, we take the hard path... nothing that we do is simple or quick, but usually wrought with pot holes and detours.

I can certainly say my journey to teaching was that way, for sure. And I recognize that founding Trinity wasn't easy either; neither has this past year. It's impossible to say who or where I would be if I had chosen differently. I can think of 5 life-altering moments that changed the course of my life... (aside from accepting Christ, which goes without saying)

1) Staying at Brookstone when I almost failed out. If I had left, I would have not met Josh or Kenil, wouldn't have had the opportunity for their friendship otherwise, because our paths wouldn't have crossed.

2) Choosing Auburn over Alabama. I think this is self-explanatory... along with this decision came the choice to go from Elementary Education to Early Childhood, to Secondary and finally to English... along the way meeting some of my favorite people.

3) Applying for & not getting the 9th grade teaching job at Brookstone the summer after I graduated with my MEd, I interviewed for a position at Brookstone and, as the job had already been promised to another, returned to Veritas to start teaching English. If this fork had been different... Trinity wouldn't exist. My life would be different... I wouldn't know Kelsey, Jeffrey, Eliza, Christi, Ally, Kara, Stephen, Eric, Noah, Skyler, Ana, Brandon, Jacob or any of my former Veritas students - Miles, Susan, Katoree. Incidently, I would have known Jackson, Joel, Austin, Donald, WT etc, because I was their aide first.

4) Every relationship - and by relationship, I mean "boyfriend" - lead me to here.

5) Leaving Veritas at the end of last year to start the amusement park, or Trinity.

I think its so fascinating to look back at our decisions and recognize where we were and where we might have been. And, what's even more neat is to see how God used us in those situations.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

God's Will & Robert Frost

There is so much that I am thinking about these days. It's so hard to know God's will for my life. I have prayed and listened and tried to be still, but how do you know when it is His will, or merely mine? I don't know. I can say that I knew the moment I decided to leave Veritas was His will because of the perfect peace that I had surrounding my decision. I knew that Trinity was a God thing because of the incredible students who are a part of the ministry and the other teachers whom are on board with me. I knew that making the choice to be with Charlie is God's will because he's the perfect combination of everything I've looked for, wanted, asked for and needed.

And yet... there are still decisions in my life that I have to make and I find myself torn. Listen to one side, one person's thoughts or listen to myself. Or more accurately, AND listen to myself. Its a difficult task for me, because while God has spoken to me directly in the past, most of the time, hearing Him... well, I just can't distinguish between knowing His voice and recognizing my own intertwined.

Logically, I know that God is going to provide, in everything, because He is everything. And He takes care of His children, just as he has every day this year, provided for and loved on me. I also know that whatever decisions I make, that He will be at the heart of it, because God is first in my life.

It reminds me of the Robert Frost poem... "two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less traveled by." We have roads we take, decisions, choices, paths... and I believe that God called me for a specific purpose. I believe that He called Trinity into existence, because there was/is something that needed to be done for His glory. I believe He uses us, gives us skills and knowledge that we wouldn't otherwise possess, but I also think that if we/I am afraid to take the chance, the leap, afraid to have the courage to walk through the open door, that the opportunity doesn't shrivel up and wither away, but that God will put someone else there to do His will, the job at hand, to stand firm against whatever satan might be preparing to throw their way.

It doesn't make knowing God's will for our lives any easier.

With Trinity, I took the road less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I apologize for my previous post (which has been deleted).