I've been staring at my screen, blankly, for a few minutes now, unable to know how to form the words to express my thoughts.
Today marks the end of Sanctity of Life month. My students and I participated by joining others in Columbus for the Walk for the Right to Life in downtown. It was a somber occasion, marked by a speaker, with the shadow of the baby booties looming over us as we took up our signs and began to walk, silently, the three block perimeter of Downtown Columbus - through Broadway and back down 1st Avenue and then back to the steps of the Government center. This is an event that I've participated in for the past three years, beginning with my first year of teaching at Veritas and bringing along with me my female students. We continued the tradition at Trinity. At some point, I would like for the Walk for the Right to Life to be a school-wide event, but those are dreams for the future - but what I would really like is for the walk to not be necessary, because abortion will have been illegalized throughout the United States and the world.
There are more than 4,000 babies aborted daily in the United States. Four. Thousand. Four thousand children who will never see the light of the day, feel the kiss of the sun, grow up and learn about each other. Four thousand babies who will never be adults, never leave their mark on society, never become parents themselves. It's a ripple, you see. A stone that is dropped in a smooth lake causes a ripple effect - one ripple affects another and affects another. What if Albert Enstein's mother had aborted him? What if Billy Graham's mother had chosen to end his life?
What about Winston Churchill, George Washington, Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Susan B. Anthony (who campaigned for the rights of women, ironically enough)...
Who knows what our world would be like without the influential people of our culture? What afflictions and diseases could we have cured with the knowledge possessed by one aborted baby? Dr. Fritz Baumgartner shares this in an article from Pro-Life America:
There is no more pivotal moment in the subsequent growth and development of a human being than when 23 chromosomes of the father join with 23 chromosomes of the mother to form a unique, 46-chromosomed individual, with a gender, who had previously simply not existed. Period. No debate.
There is no more appropriate moment to begin calling a human "human" than the moment of fertilization. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because it would be a degradation of factual embryology to say it would be any other moment. For example, some pro-abortion zealots and even, shockingly, some disingenuous physicians claim it is the moment of primitive notochord formation (nonsense!) or, even more absurdly, the moment of implantation. (It defies sanity to claim that the implantation of a developing blastocyst onto a uterine wall defines humanity more than does the completion of an entirely new DNA map, which defines a new organism's existence).
I heard a woman the other day - the speaker for the Right to Life walk - say that abortion began as a form of eugenics, which is the "is the "applied science or the biosocial movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population," usually referring to human populations" from here. It was practiced up until the 20th century as a means of "improving" the human population by "intervening" to weed out the weak and
unacceptable humans - the deaf, dumb, homosexual, promiscuous women etc. etc. While proponents of eugenics run the gamet (from Woodrow Wilson to Theodore Roosevelt), the most famous was Adolf Hitler. Wonder what he is known for?
Modern eugenics is now becoming known for poor women, teenage girls and women of ethnic origins to be the main group who are seeking out abortions. Is this what our society has come to? If you believe in Biblical principals, and I do, then you should believe that we are all descended from Adam & Eve - all the same. We were made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). All of us - "red and yellow, black and white, we are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world" - which brings me to my next point.
The Bible clearly instructs us that, not only is a baby a baby at conception, but that God formed us in our mother's womb, He knew us before we were born. Beyond that, as children of God we are told to stand for those who can't speak for themselves, to care for the women, the orphans, the children, the elderly. Children should not be punished for the sins of the father (in the case of rape, Deuteronomy 24:16).
And now to what brought me to this point today. I read an article this morning that came through on my facebook feed - it was an article, from LifeNews.com, by Brad Mattes, entitled "Americans Need to Know About Gosnell's Abortion Horrors". It goes on to explain how the grand jury in Pennsylvania has sentenced this man, Kermitt Gosnell, to imprisonment without bail for his abortion mill. I won't recount all that the article says, but just this (paraphrased): there were many people - officials, patients, women, teenagers, workers - who knew what was going on. The abortions performed on LIVE babies. The subsequent death of those babies when Gosnell stabbed them in the neck, puncturing their spinal cords and then bleeding to death. The body parts - arms, hands, legs, feet (which were displayed in jars) - the carnage that stopped up the toilets so much that the janitor refused to plunge them. All of these people knew of the horror that was going on and yet... nothing. They complained, but nothing was done. They brought complaints to the state health board - nothing. Even the National Abortion Federation who visited the clinic didn't sound the alarm about what was going on in Gosnell's "abortion mill".
More than 200 pages describes the infanticide - the murder - that was taking place. More than 200 pages describes the drug violations, illegal late-term abortions, racketeering and other offenses... and nothing was done for decades.
How much longer will it be before we stop being silent and speak up for the babies who die every day without someone to speak for them? What happens to us, when we stop standing for the weak? We fight to the death for the innocent victims of September 11th, for our personal convictions, for those men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and all around the world for OUR RIGHTS. I'm grateful to them, for willingly sacrificing themselves to stand up for the innocent, and the weak. We should be like them, fighting on the home-front for our innocent, and our weak.
America needs to wake up. Stand up. Grow a pair and step out. Listen to a description of a partial-birth abortion. Visit Pregnancy Clinics like Sound Choices in Columbus, or Sav-a-Life in Lanett. Visit The Glovers Online Website. They can direct you to a pregnancy clinic in your area. There are pregnancy clinics in every state who are there to help, there to serve. They will help you find the answer - whether you bravely choose to give the baby up for adoption, or discover the strength within yourself to raise a baby.
It's funny - so many people are either "pro-life" or "pro-choice". I don't care which way you fall - for me, there is only ONE choice: life. Regardless of situation, of circumstance, of how and where and why - I pray that you choose life. Your mother did.

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