About three months ago I took a big, gigantic leap and jumped off of a cliff. Fortunately, the cliff has a ledge and there I sit, precariously teetering on the edge between failure, and success.
My school launches in three days. Yep. MY SCHOOL. A school that I've dreamed of starting for awhile now, but only realized it three months ago. But I believe that its been something thats been working on me for longer than that - even before I was called to teach. You see, I knew that I wanted to teach in middle school. I started my journeys in the education world in the 12th grade, observing, teaching 1st graders at Brookstone (those kids are now seniors, can you believe it?), and I'm starting my 3rd official year (although I think that half a year as Monica's aide at Veritas and half a year student teaching should count for something, so lets make it 4 years) as a teacher and what's more, is that I'm starting it at my own school.
The name "Trinity" was born out of a deep love for all things associated with Ireland. Fortunately for me, it also works nicely into the Christian worldview I will be teaching from. The Celtic knot and Trinity cross have fascinated me and I love the idea of what all the Trinity represents (both in Christianity and in Celtic Ireland). I like three's. I've been told that things happen in three's; its a good number in writing (you have to have three main points to write paragraphs on), its representative of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost (3) and in Ireland, the number three represents their own trinity; because its shaped, somewhat, like a shamrock.
Faith. Hope. Love (3).
So when I started thinking up logos and names, I came up with The Trinity Schoo
l, because it rolled off the tongue a little better than Trinity Academy (I also thought that TTS would sound better for a boarding school, than an "academy" would, more on that at another time). The Celtic cross (see, I warned you about this obsession with Irish lore), is also a favorite of mine so I began to play with ideas and what I came up with is a combination of the Trinity knot & the Celtic Cross. See? There it is. Once we got the paperwork done and completed, Trinity became "real" on August 4, 2010.

I think people expect me to be terrified, or scared, especially when the find out that not only did I leave my job in an economic downfall such as now, but that I've also ventured out on my own to start a school, that has my name on it, my money invested (read that: Brooke's money. Not anyone else's), my hard work, blood, sweat, and tears. I think that the reaction should be absolute terror, but if its one thing I've learned this summer more than anything else is: My God takes care of me. He gives me the knowledge of what and how to do, even before I know to ask the questions. He has provided me with a house to live and work in, ten fantastic students whom I've worked with in the past, two brand new students that I am super excited to have the opportunity to work with, the confidence of some of the people I respect the most (because they believe I can do this), and He is guiding every step of this adventure.
He doesn't promise that its always going to be fun, or easy... or that there won't be hard times or struggles (personal, or professional), but He does tell me to make my wants and desires known to Him and that He will provide... which He has done and will continue to do.
And I'm just along for the ride... God is going to do some amazing things through Trinity. And I am SO excited to see what He has in store for, not only me, but the future of this awesome school.
So stay tuned, because I'm sure it'll be one wild ride!
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